
Sunday, 19 December 2010

The reinvention of 'prison chic'

So glad the holidays are finally here!! So far its been interesting I guess...got good grades, went ice skating in Canary Wharf with my girls in the snow, got stuck in a blizzard on the M6 and finally to top it all of Misfits Christmas Special tonight!!
 I am absolutely obsessed with the ASBO- orientated drama where 5 young offenders on community service get stuck in a freak storm and develop superpowers. It is amazing and closer to home as it is set on a estate in Thamesmead close to where I live. 

Theres something almost fashionable about the characters who star in this gritty drama. I think Misfits has reinvented the phrase 'prison chic' . The characters are often seen tumbling around running away from danger with their curfew tags hanging from their ankles and their orange jumpsuits worn differently according to each of them. The show makes me want to buy a bright orange jumpsuit and acccessorize a la Alisha with big gold hoops, bows and waist- clenching belts or Kelly style and scrape my hair into a Croydon facelift with severe smoky eyes and Adidas plimsolls. Other then the gripping storyline which is so intense, the fashion is actually very now and nostalgic with the signature South East London style with a twist. For Spring/ Summer '11 I predict clashing bright colours teamed with scraped back hair and big jewellery, Misfits influences everyone.

From Left: Kelly, Curtis, Alisha, Nathan and Simon a.k.a The Misfits

1 comment:

  1. Do you think bright colours and scrapped back hair works on a 50 year old?
